भारत सरकार
Government of India
असम सरकार पोर्टल
Assam Government Portal
शिक्षा मंत्रालय
Ministry of Education
उच्च शिक्षा विभाग, असम
Department of Higher Education, Assam
राष्ट्रीय छात्रवृत्ति पोर्टल
National Scholarship Portal
New User Registration
Public Notices
Student Registration Form
Select Programme
BSSRV-BA : Bachelor of Arts(Hons)(Arts)
BSSRV-BATPM : Bachelor of Business Administration(Tea Plantation Management and Processing Technology)
BSSRV-BSc : Bachelor of Science(Hons)(Science)
BSSRV-MCA : Master of Computer Application(Compter Applications)
BSSRV-MSW : Master of Social Work(Social Work)
MASSA : Master of Arts(Assamese)
MECO : Master of Arts(Economics)
MENG : Master of Arts(English)
MPOLSC : Master of Arts(Political Science)
MSOC : Master of Arts(Sociology)
PHDASSA : Doctor of Philosophy in Assamese
PHDCS : Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science
PHDECO : Doctor of Philosophy in Economics
PHDENG : Doctor of Philosophy in English
PHDPOLSC : Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science
PHDSOC : Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology
Name (as on ID card)
Enrolment Number
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